The Lord's Supper

Jesus Christ told His church to commemorate His saving death by observing the Lord’s Supper in His name. It is a sign of the redemption He accomplished and the communion we have with Him and one another in the church.

At Cornerstone, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (also called Communion or the Eucharist) with joy as we remember Christ and share in His grace. The Lord’s Supper is a meal for Christ’s church, so it is to be given only to baptized believers who belong to Christ's church and are living consistent with their public profession of faith. We ask those who are not believers or those under church discipline not to partake, but to wait and to pray for God’s grace to repent and believe.

For more about the Lord’s Supper at Cornerstone, see our two documents on how we do it and on when children can partake of the Supper.

For more about why we celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly, see this letter from the Cornerstone leadership: